Every film in this series had to be shot in 1 day. In each episode we tried to come up with an animation that interacts with real footage, to match the Nature Smart Cities Brand identity. All explainer animations we're done in-house.
I'm pretty proud of the episode about Lille, editing French dialog. Luckily Renske speaks French pretty well. Other fun fact: Renske was bravely persistent with the Mayer of Lille, getting a more elaborate quote than she initially gave us.
Nature Smart Cities is a EU project in order to make cities more adapted to climate change. Winkelmann van Hessen invited me to collaborate on a series showcasing the pilot projects. Over a span of 2 years Renkse Solkesz and I produced 8 films, across 4 countries and in 3 languages.
ClientNature Smart CitiesLinknaturesmartcities.eu